I do remember when I first started to do yoga and I had so much trouble with my wrist hurting. I don't experience that anymore. I have also noticed that the numbness in my fingers when I wake up is gone. I'm very happy with that. That pain scared me a lot I would wake up with pain in my wrist and numbness in my fingers. After about an hour of moving the pain an numbness would go away. It had become a chronic condition that I inquired about it with my Family Doc. She said that my muscles in my shoulders and arms were unbalanced causing this pain. She believed because of the repetitiveness of labor type activities from my job I was having this muscle imbalance. She recommended massage, if massage didn't work we would have to look at other options. I did get massage and it helped. The massage therapist worked really hard to released the pressure that was effecting my nerves. Built up scar tissue etc. When my health benefits changed at work it didn't cover the massage and the issue came back.
I'm sure the yoga that I have been doing is balancing my muscles. Resolving the issue with my hands.
namaste is a simple act made by bringing together both palms of the hands before the heart, and lightly bowing the head. In the simplest of terms it is accepted as a humble greeting straight from the heart and reciprocated accordingly.
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