
30 day Challange with Yoga and Beyond

This is a journal of my journey for my 30 day Yoga Challenge. So take a breath, place a small smile on your face and enjoy my trip through life with yoga on my side.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

1 of 30

Nov/12/11 Yoga and Beyond Studio/ 5pm/60min/ Ning

Well today is day 1 of my 30 day yoga challenge. I can tell you that I have never done anything like this before. So I am completely open minded to the journey. It was hard to come to class today though, as I am sick with a head cold and was home sick from work. I was all tucked away in my warm bed when my alarm went off to tell me to get up to go to yoga. This was a struggle, I went through the motions and was on my way. Traffic was terrible, every light was red. I was secretly hoping that I wouldn't make it on time and could turn around and hop back into my already warm bed. (After kicking the dog off my spot, I suppose he was just looking out for me and keeping that spot toasty warm.)

I park the car and see the door to the studio still open. "Hi Teresa!" Ahhhh! No turning back now, I've been spotted.

"Hi Ning." I put a smile on my face, take my shoes off and tuck them away on the shelf.
Ning is the owner of "Yoga and Beyond", the studio and I have a membership. It is a wonderful studio, I just wish there were later classes offered. Maybe someday that will happen, although, it also forces me to do home practices.

I scurry into the studio and sat on my mat.

Instantly feeling calm, NOW, happy I am here. I take a second to review how I'm feeling. I am feeling weak, but happy. I have a runny nose from my cold and I'm hoping I don't slip on the snot dripping onto my mat :) this makes me smile and Ning walks in to start class.
She starts with a review of the previous days workshop and follows up with some thoughts.

I love this studio for the openness and lightness of the classes she runs. Ning's class always feels so inviting to me, I feel connected to the room when she does something silly and I hear giggles around me. Maybe its because she is so open and shares her life with the class.
First downward dog, man! does it feel good. Everything is feeling good, everything is warming up. My breath is deep and flowing and I'm moving.

I'm always so humbled when I'm corrected by the instructor. It seems the pose that I think I have is the one I need correction for. The simple touch of a teachers hand can send my mind and body into a completely different place. It came time in class when Ning had her " yogi moment". She was explaining how using the blocks are an important part of yoga. It's important to have the block beside our mats. Many of us feel we are strong and don't need the block or off the mat a helping hand. What do we really accomplish by trying to do it all ourselves? The risk of getting hurt, feeling of frustration when we realized an extra hand would be nice. Time spent alone when we could be sharing the experience with another person. Not that we always need the block. Not that we are weak when we use the block. It makes us stronger, for asking and reaching for help. It is sometimes the hardest challenge. Letting your guard down, allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Opening yourself up to let someone in. But this is the only way I think to connect, to see we are all one. And in turn it allows you to be patient when others need a helping hand. It was a nice lesson to learn.

I am very excited for this 30 day journey.

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